+43 676 490 5887

Juli Redfox

unconventional - rebellious - free - colourful - loud - positive - provocative

About the artist

Juli Redfox likes to experiment with new materials and uses figures from the fields of multimedia, print and film as well as characters from the world of comics, as these are omnipresent and known (almost) everywhere around the world. The ideas for her works often arise spontaneously and intuitively, strongly influenced by ethnicities and their cultures, experienced during her numerous travels.

After taking a break from creating art after graduating from a general secondary school, Juli Redfox has been devoting herself intensively to painting in the style of pop art again since 2021. The term "popular art" has also been interpreted as "art for the people, for everyone"; everyone can relate to the works, the motifs, the themes are omnipresent. With the conquest of Pop Art in the 1960s, the art has incorporated the ambience of the street and has continued to evolve in its creative techniques to this day.

The artist is self-taught and decided against an academic education in the artistic field, as she wants to try out techniques completely freely, independently and self-determined, free in her thinking and experimentation.

About Juli

Free in thought, independent, self-determined and swimming against the current - these are the attributes that have been firmly anchored in me throughout my life and that I live out in my art. Here I can decide for myself which colours, themes and motifs I choose and which message I want to convey. The second equally important aspect for me is why I work as an artist: Art is NOT ephemeral! The works of the great masters continue to exist after hundreds of years and often look exactly the same (after restoration) as they did back then. This constant of imperishability fascinates and reassures me in equal measure in a fast-moving world in which everything is transient.

I would describe my works as "colourful - loud - provocative - motivating - positive - sometimes ironic", but the viewers always decide for themselves how they want to interpret my pictures. As we all have different personal experiences, histories and cultural backgrounds, it is my wish and goal to continue these individual aspects through my works in the thoughts of each individual. This approach matured in me during my humanities degree in Romance Studies at the University of Vienna and intensified through my many trips to countries near and far in Europe (especially Mexico and Africa).
But one thing is undisputed: despite the different collective experiences, art connects and brings people together who might never have met before.